
Lokalise for Zapier

Automate your workflows by connecting Lokalise to thousands of apps.

Try all features for 14 days · No credit card required

Connect with countless apps, including...

  • Dropbox_logo_connect_section-01
  • Google_Drive_logo-01
  • Confluence_logo-01
  • Monday_logo-01
  • Trello_logo_connect_section-01
  • Asana_logo_connect_section-01
  • Jira_logo_connect_section-01
  • Wrike_logo_connect_section-01
  • MeisterTask_logo_connect_section
  • Slack_logo_connect_section-01

Create a Zap in minutes, no code required

  • 1

    Choose a trigger

    Pick an event in Lokalise, or in your connected app, that starts your Zap — like a new file being added to Dropbox.

    Create a Zap in minutes, no code  required
  • 2

    Choose an action

    Tell Zapier what to do next; for example, upload a file and create a new project in Lokalise.

    Create a Zap in minutes, no code  required
  • 3

    Watch the automation in action

    Each time your Zap runs, it automatically sends information from Lokalise to the other app and vice versa.

    Create a Zap in minutes, no code  required
Create a Zap in minutes, no code  required
Create a Zap in minutes, no code  required
Create a Zap in minutes, no code  required

How the Lokalise + Zapier integration works

Simply tell Zapier which tools you’d like to connect with Lokalise, and in a few minutes, you’ll be able to automate tasks that were previously done via copy and paste or import and export.

  • Connect your tool with Lokalise using the integration

    Zapier account with Lokalise

  • Create

    a new Zap or select one of the most popular Zaps

  • Connect

    your connected Zap for a test drive

Get more out of Lokalise with Zapier

The Zapier integration makes it easy to track events based on any predefined trigger.

Using these triggers and actions, you can set up Zaps to automate tasks and custom alerts between Lokalise and other tools: cloud storage, task management, communication apps, and more.

Check out some common workflow examples below and see our documentation to learn how to set these up.


File storage

Try for free or let us show you how it works.

  • Zapier - Dropbox trigger

    New file added

  • Zapier - Zapier flow
  • Zapier - Lokalise action create

    Create a project and 

    upload the new file

  • Zapier - Gdrive trigger

    File updated

  • Zapier - Zapier flow
  • Zapier - Lokalise action upload

    Upload new file to the 

    existing project, 

    modifying the values

  • Zapier - Lokalise trigger completed

    Task completed

  • Zapier - Zapier flow
  • Zapier - Onedrive action

    Upload the file

Task management & notifications

Try for free or let us show you how it works.

  • Zapier - Lokalise trigger task created

    Task created

  • Zapier - Zapier flow
  • Zapier - Wrike action

    Task created

  • Zapier - Lokalise trigger language

    Language closed

  • Zapier - Zapier flow
  • Zapier - Monday action

    Task updated

You can also set up multi-step Zaps (Zap with a combination of actions) that can be connected as a single workflow. 

View all available triggers & actions or use one of the predefined templates right away.

Delegate routine manual tasks to Zapier and enjoy the power of automated workflows.

Learn more

See Lokalise + Zapier in action

Get a live customized demo and let us show you how the Lokalise + Zapier integration can improve your localization workflow.

See Lokalise in action

Get a free 30-minute consultation to find out how to make your localization and translation workflows more efficient.

Trusted by 3000+ global companies

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